全球光阻劑市場淺析 2004-3-1 8:07:59. 經歷瞭兩年的衰退之後,全球半導體行
業在2002年年中得到瞭一定程度的恢復,這也意味著微芯片製造關鍵部件之 一的光阻劑的市場需求將會回昇。但具體使用的光阻劑的類型會有所改變 ...
影響“極細”與“超細”線和線間距加工的兩個關鍵因素是:1. 將高解析度光阻圖藉由設計或光罩工具印刷到襯底上;2. 低成
本的極細銅金屬線材。兩個因素中,光阻成像製程更為關鍵 ...
... 正光阻劑(positive
photoresist)是由感光劑製成的,它在照明下會溶解(負光 阻劑則是如果沒有經過照明就會分解)。有很多方式可以處理銅表面的光阻
劑,不過最普遍的方式,是將它加熱,並在含有光阻劑的表面上滾動(稱作 幹 ...
三.前段製程是將清洗好的晶圓,送到爐管,在含氧的環境下,加以熱氧化, 進而在晶圓表面長成所需的薄膜,一般多為二氧化矽。之後在晶圓表塗上光
光阻蝕劑photoresist。. 它係一種溶液,經紫外 光曝光後會變得很硬而不溶解於腐蝕劑。
Feature: Photoresist for on-wafer 3D features
30 June 2003
The increasing
use of via holes and other 3D features is posing a challenge to conventional
resist technologies. Henry Hendriks, James Tajadod and John Klocke describe
a solution.
For most wafer
lithography process steps, spin-coated liquid photoresist (LPR) is utilized,
and for wafer surfaces with little topography this results in a layer of
fairly uniform thickness. However, because the uniformity of the spin-coated
LPR layer depends heavily on the topography of the wafer surface and the
properties of the photoresist (viscosity and vapor pressure), this
technology can fail dramatically in the coverage of highly elevated or
deeply etched structures.
to view this web-only
feature article.
photoresist)是由感光劑製成的 , 它在照明下會溶解(負光阻劑則是如果沒有經過照明就會分解)
以往從1um到0.35um製程階段的光阻劑 , 是利用照光後分子重新排列、溶解度不同的化學變化製成 ;進入0.25um的248nm光阻劑 ,
必須改變248nm光阻劑的化學結構 ;193nm光阻劑結構又與248nm光阻劑者不同 , 需耐得住蝕刻 , 才能發揮光阻劑的功能。
Unique Dry Film
Photoresist. System for TSV Via. Formation/Protection/Plating
RAFT Technology for the Production of Advanced Photoresist
Monomers and Polymers: Improved Transparency Fluoropolymer Photoresists for
Semiconductor Photolithography at 157 nm
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