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P-6204 spincoater
8",up to 6" diameter non-programable, 100~8,000 rpm, speed adjustable,
automatic time
ramp time; 1~30
110ACV, 220ACV
Spin Coater
The P6204
(8-in. bowl) Non-programmable Spin Coater was designed for the value
conscience in mind. Same high quality as our P6708/6712 series without many
of the programmable and regulating options. Speed is controlled by
adjustable settings.
Speed: 100-8000
RPM, Adjustable
Automatic Timer:0-999 seconds
times from 1.0 to 30 seconds
Power:115 VAC, 60Hz,
1 amp or 220 VAC, 50Hz, .5 amp

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P-6708 spincoater
8" up to 6" diameter
programable, 100~8,000 rpm, speed adjustable,
automatic time
ramp time; 1~30
110ACV, 220ACV
multiple ramp up, hold, ramp down |
If you don't find what you're looking for,
Contact Us.
We may have a suitable product that's not listed, or we may be
able to develop a material to fit your specific needs.
Tel : (02)2217-3442 / Fax : (02)2704-4070
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