




旋寶好化學提供PCMX產品使用油滴式的奈米球體, 其直徑大約是170奈米, 在水中會形成一種奈米乳液, 然後會黏著在細菌細胞的表面.這些奈米球不只是其接觸表面積有價值, 它並且可以減少殺菌劑的用量到0.2%, 一般在非奈米的溶液中所需要的殺菌劑濃度都要在35%之間.XBH Chem PCMX是唯一美國EPA註冊成功的第四類消毒劑, 對皮膚, 眼睛,呼吸道和消化道完全沒有有害的效應.

DLC Professional is the only hospital-grade disinfectant that has surpassed industry safety standards and does not require U.S. EPA handling, warning or precautionary statements

Non-toxic to humans - including infants - on contact or if inhaled or ingested; ideal for school, daycare use

Many institutions including the Stanford University School of Medicine, UC San Francisco School of Dentistry and the University of Connecticut - School of Dentistry value DLC Professional because it is fast, effective and without adverse effects to patients, personnel, equipment or environment

Meets OSHA standards for effectiveness against bloodborne pathogens including bacteria and viruses associated with SARS, E.coli, HIV-1 (AIDs), hepatitis B & C, hantavirus, strep, tuberculosis, MRSA, VRE, athlete's foot fungus

Ready to use; will not corrode or stain any inanimate surface
Requires no special handling, precautions, storage, disposal; pour into any drainage system Active ingredient: PCMX (Parachlorometaxylenol)
Shelf life - 18 months


No Noxious Fumes
No Skin Irritation
Improve OSHA Compliance
No Waste Treatment Required
No Rinsing Required
Compatible for Use with Elastomeric Impression Material


Kills TB, HIV, HEP B and HEP C in five minutes *
Clean and disinfect with one product
Requires no protective clothing
EPA registered for food contact surfaces
Non-alcohol based product
Will not distort impressions
Ready to Use


This ready-to-use disinfectant cleaner is effective against the following microorganisms:

Bacteria: 綠膿桿菌*, 沙門氏桿菌*, 傷寒沙門氏桿菌**, 大腸桿菌**, 空腸彎曲桿菌***, 退伍軍人肺炎桿菌***, 李斯特菌屬**, 化膿性鏈球菌**, 金黃色葡萄球菌*􀁧, Methicillen resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)***, Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE)***

Tuberculocidal: 牛分支桿菌(肺結核桿菌TB)**
Fungi: 鬚瘡髮癬菌**, 白色念珠菌**
Viruses: B & C型肝炎 **, HIV-1**, 單純庖疹病毒 I & II型**, 感冒病毒A2***, 鼻病毒39 ***

* 2 分鐘內. 能有效隔離污染源, ** 5 分鐘內 能有效隔離污染源, *** 10 分鐘內. 能有效隔離污染源
􀁧 in California, Staphylococcus aureus contact time is 10 minutes


Solubility in Water......................Water Soluble
Evaporation Rate........................Same as Water pH..............................................8.5
Appearance..................................White Liquid
Flash Point...................................Not Applicable

Auto Ignition Temperature................Non-Combustible

If you don't find what you're looking for, Contact Us. We may have a suitable product that's not listed, or we may be able to develop a material to fit your specific needs. Tel : (02)2217-3442 / Fax : (02)2704-4070


  Copyright and Disclaimerc © David Lu & Corp.